Wednesday 2 December 2009

2nd December

Happy December everyone! I don't think i've posted yet this month... but CHRISTMAS IS STILL A LONG WAY AWAY.
BAsically the mucho excitemento is that I FINISHED READING THE SHINING (which i got for my bday, btw :P) and IT DIDN'T GO IN THE FREEZER.
and it was BLUUDY AMAZING. Last night I couldn't turn the light off, it took aaages to pluck up the courage. And then I had to play music mentally to forget about it.
it was like, "aah jack torrance is gonna come and kill me with a carving knife, or technically a roquet mallet"
but. like. oh my gosh was it good.
officially my new favourite book.
but i have a bone to pick with stanley kubrick. because the film is not true to the book. although i haven't watched it, i have read about it on wikipedia.
hedge maze instead of topiary animals? phaah.
jack dying in said hedge maze and not redeeming himself? rubbish.
jack killing mr hallorann? huh?
jack going after wendy with an axe? no! roquet mallet!
here's johnny? not even in the book!
jack giving up drinking cause he hit danny? nah.
oh well. i still want to see it... but not before i get over how amazing the book is.
oh my goodness.

Quote of the Day #8 (I couldn't resist)
"Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

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