Wednesday 2 December 2009

2nd December

Happy December everyone! I don't think i've posted yet this month... but CHRISTMAS IS STILL A LONG WAY AWAY.
BAsically the mucho excitemento is that I FINISHED READING THE SHINING (which i got for my bday, btw :P) and IT DIDN'T GO IN THE FREEZER.
and it was BLUUDY AMAZING. Last night I couldn't turn the light off, it took aaages to pluck up the courage. And then I had to play music mentally to forget about it.
it was like, "aah jack torrance is gonna come and kill me with a carving knife, or technically a roquet mallet"
but. like. oh my gosh was it good.
officially my new favourite book.
but i have a bone to pick with stanley kubrick. because the film is not true to the book. although i haven't watched it, i have read about it on wikipedia.
hedge maze instead of topiary animals? phaah.
jack dying in said hedge maze and not redeeming himself? rubbish.
jack killing mr hallorann? huh?
jack going after wendy with an axe? no! roquet mallet!
here's johnny? not even in the book!
jack giving up drinking cause he hit danny? nah.
oh well. i still want to see it... but not before i get over how amazing the book is.
oh my goodness.

Quote of the Day #8 (I couldn't resist)
"Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

Saturday 28 November 2009

28th November (yeah baby!)

Excuse the slight excitement, but today is my birthday :P
Breed 77 got cancelled due to "unforseen circumstances" (my dad said it was because he is, in fact, the guitarist and realised i was going so they had to cancel. ha.) So we watched You Don't Mess With the Zohan, which was awful, and then we watched Beetlejuice, which was bad. But the evening was entertaining so it wasn't all bad, even though i felt pretty ill all night.
And today has been goodzes as well. got a camera from the parentals, which has a beauty shot setting which effectively airbrushes you (ha!) and lots of other nice things from everybody elses.... am currently watching spaced which richard bought me.
And listening to foo fighters because i am JUST THAT COOL.
I need to get changed in to something orange (why the hell did i make everybody wear orange?!) for my party which involves drawing on tshirts and eating pizza, which is really my idea of A GOOD DAY.
I can't really think of anything else to say, except i was kind of overwhelmed by the amount of wall posts i got on facebook - at once my phone went off eight times one after the other. It's being a good day so far.
and even the fish corpse doesn't look as awful as it did, because we cant find anything to get rid of it with (oops).
I shall go eat cake, because i haven't had a cake for years and years and years.
what a deprived child i am :P

Quote of the Day #7:
"Hi, we're, uh... we're a couple!"

Thursday 26 November 2009

26th November

Hello. I have very litttle time as i am about to go out and babysit, but i just wanted to complain about the corpse in my bedroom.
the corpse being that of a fish.
that has been eated.
and eated.
and now there is very little left.
now, it takes quite a lot to make me squirm and go "eww", and this made me squirm and go "eww".
anyway, day wasn't too bad. going to see breed 77 tomorrow with lucy and her mum and whoever else is coming (which seems like nobody at the moment) so there will be no blog tomorrow.
i just randomly clicked on a group on facebook and saw sean smith in their profile picture. uber jealousy.
oh well, i must depart now... don't know if kid's going to be in bed, or if i have to turn the tv off to make him go (he's 4, btw).

Quote of the Day #6
"Your mother is a llama."

Wednesday 25 November 2009

25th November

It took ages to get home today, which was probably largely due to the fact that i missed the bus to put my overall away because it doesn't fit in my bag (ugh) and then dithered over hair dye in superdrug. but then i got the one i wanted which turns out it isn't as dark as a wanted it, but it claims to not last long so it doesn't really matter. though you can never tell with my hair - it keeps wash in wash out dye in for months. meh. i shall have to be angelina jolie forever... :/
had some GAY music homework, studying symphony no. 40 in g minor 1st movement by mozart, funfunfun. took ages, was dull, but now it's over, so i can cheer. the maths homework is not over, but it's NEARLY over, so i can leave it and do that invitation for nana on photoshop that i promised i'd do, and talk to her about going to camden next weekend... (aah Christmas shopping)_
I've been Tango-ed. Yay.
I also ate the last of my large-ish bar of chocolate, FROM WHICH SOMEBODY STOLE A ROW. for this reason i am angry at my parents, who both insist that they didn't. at least one of them is lying, because my brother is too small to reach the fridge...
Rachel likes my story... yay. but she better hurry up with hers, cause she hasn't got long before the endingage of NaNoWriMo (i know i'm waaay behind, but i started halfway through the month and didn't actually want to do it this year, so that's irrelevant.)
There is a dead fish opposite me. RIP bandit. vimto stop eating bandit's corpse.
cannibal pets... hrum.
i'm going to go and do something useful now. i bid thee farewell, my crazyass readers, if you exist...

Quote of the Day #5
"this snake, it's got legs and it's power walking to hollywood"

Tuesday 24 November 2009

24th November

Hello... just a quick one today, because a) i have very little time and b) i have very little to say.
everybody was measuring their waists at break "to check if they are at risk of diabetes". pah. they realised prettty quickly that was i to measure mine, i wasn't going to tell them what it was and so they buggered off.
piano was okay, not too bad. mrs strange wants me to do my grade 7 in summer so i have to learn all the pieces really soon and crap. she's even set me targets. but oh well, the music this time is better/more fun to play so i'm feeling more inspired.
ugh, i cbf to write anymore, so i'm gonna go log off now... see ya.

Quote of the Day #4
"Nothing saves your life; it only postpones your death."

Monday 23 November 2009

Just a Bit To Add...

I've been surfing the good old 'net and discovered that there is going to be a film of the host, which is one of my favourite books (yes, i KNOW it's by the same author as twishite, but you can connect with the characters more, it's just so much better...). This made me both very excited and very apprehensive. Is it going to be wicked? is it going to suck? it could just kill the book, like robert pattinson did...
wait, i shouldn't just blame him. that's not fair. but he contributed to the killing.
anyway, i HAVE to go and see it. just like i MUST go and see avatar and sherlock holmes... tee hee.
one last thing. i think there's going to be one of the umbrella academy... oh yes.

Quote of the day #3.2
"O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
[see, that's the second shakespeare quote i've put in, aren't i a boffin?]

23rd November

Ugh, where did the weekend go dude... meh, another monday is another monday closer to Christmas. and the day wasn't too bad anyway. even citizenship wasn't too dreadful, teacher was in a good mood which is kind of rare, but it was ok.
i got bored of existing when i got home so i played the sims 3, which turned out to be rather catastrophic because i am doing the legacy challenge when i can be bothered, and was desperately trying to produce some heirs for my sim (who is 2nd generation and is called sean montano). he ended up getting married 3 times and divorced twice in 3 sim days, and then his mother died (RIP brody my founding sim...) and he had triplets with a blonde (who are called Mary-Jane, Toro and Tucker, continuing the whole "music theme" from the previous generation, in which the children were called Christian, Gloria and Sean - ok, i know i use too many green day references...).
this is probably really dull. i'm going to go back to talking about something relevant.
didn't see tram dude today (thank God) but i did see jamie. i didn't speak to him cause i was running off to superdrug to look for temporary dark hair dye for the fancy dress party. i found some that'll last 6-8 washes, which means it'll last about 2 months for me... oh well, bruneteness, here we come. i even practised piano when i got home. i'm turning into quite a little angel, aren't i? let's just forget the fact i did no homework, but i have none in for tomorrow so it's all kind of irrelevant, isn't it?
looked at the MCR covers for alternative press, or whaatever the hell it's called. frank iero has turned to the dark side of ugly (OMG HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE). gerard way has returned to the light side of attractive... and mikey way has moved into the luminous side of BEAUTIFUL, without insulting his manliness in any way... :P
i then practised guitar, which i haven't done for months (oops...) and sent rachel my story which she has kind of roped me into writing. i didn't get a very understandable reply,and am worrying about whether or not she likes it.
holy cow this has been a long post... for me anyway. i shall go check my email and see if rachel has replied to my questioning email and if alex has replied to my ranting email about the fact that he is keeping my plectrums hostage.
see you in hell. if you're a sparkling "vampire", that is. (i hate to have any involvement in this, but... team jacob all the way.)
ugh... i'm really gonna go now.

Quote of the Day #3.1
"You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the bad guy"