Monday 23 November 2009

Just a Bit To Add...

I've been surfing the good old 'net and discovered that there is going to be a film of the host, which is one of my favourite books (yes, i KNOW it's by the same author as twishite, but you can connect with the characters more, it's just so much better...). This made me both very excited and very apprehensive. Is it going to be wicked? is it going to suck? it could just kill the book, like robert pattinson did...
wait, i shouldn't just blame him. that's not fair. but he contributed to the killing.
anyway, i HAVE to go and see it. just like i MUST go and see avatar and sherlock holmes... tee hee.
one last thing. i think there's going to be one of the umbrella academy... oh yes.

Quote of the day #3.2
"O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
[see, that's the second shakespeare quote i've put in, aren't i a boffin?]

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