Thursday 26 November 2009

26th November

Hello. I have very litttle time as i am about to go out and babysit, but i just wanted to complain about the corpse in my bedroom.
the corpse being that of a fish.
that has been eated.
and eated.
and now there is very little left.
now, it takes quite a lot to make me squirm and go "eww", and this made me squirm and go "eww".
anyway, day wasn't too bad. going to see breed 77 tomorrow with lucy and her mum and whoever else is coming (which seems like nobody at the moment) so there will be no blog tomorrow.
i just randomly clicked on a group on facebook and saw sean smith in their profile picture. uber jealousy.
oh well, i must depart now... don't know if kid's going to be in bed, or if i have to turn the tv off to make him go (he's 4, btw).

Quote of the Day #6
"Your mother is a llama."

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