Saturday 21 November 2009

21st November

Today I went to pizza express by the globe for my nana's birthday, and froze to death because they had the central heating on full pelt, which seemed rather odd to me because outside there was COLD NOVEMBER RAIN......
*has guns n' roses moment*
anyway, it was good pizza and good to see the family and go on a carousel and try to look like i was just there with two small children, when in actual fact i rather like carousels. because i'm cool like that :|
hurm, and the waitressing wasn't too bad... a little stressful as ALL THE COFFEE DISAPPEARED but not too bad because THE TEA WAS STILL ALL THERE.
Oh, and I forgot to say yesterday, I am über happy because we got muse tickets for next september. yay (:
and tomorrow i might even get to go take the piss out of new moon... YEAH BABY!
(you will, rather soon, get a Twilight rant... because i HATE it.)

Quote of the Day #1.1
"Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water."

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