Saturday 21 November 2009

hair colour...

i can't decide...
will i get away with the purple-y-brown-y colour at school?
it isn't that bright but you can never tell with you-know-who and i don't want to have to dye it some dull colour over it...
i just really cbf to wait until the holidays...
i could dye it on my birthday... cause thats soon... and then i'd look "cool" for the albert hall. which is just not cool. but that's a WHOLE other story and not one to rant about right now, because i am deliberating.
my hair is just so DULL right now, i actually have an addiction to hair dye :|
and if the purple clashes with my uniform, i'm screwed, because it doesn't come out quickly... and then it goes red.
i shall go consult my mother. because she is useful for things like that.
today was nice. i just thought i'd say that again, because it made me happy, and i have a cute brother and two cute cousins and a whole lot of other family who are not cute but are very nice anyway.

Quote of the Day #1.2
"Whichever mad scientist made you, he really went all out."

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