Tuesday 24 November 2009

24th November

Hello... just a quick one today, because a) i have very little time and b) i have very little to say.
everybody was measuring their waists at break "to check if they are at risk of diabetes". pah. they realised prettty quickly that was i to measure mine, i wasn't going to tell them what it was and so they buggered off.
piano was okay, not too bad. mrs strange wants me to do my grade 7 in summer so i have to learn all the pieces really soon and crap. she's even set me targets. but oh well, the music this time is better/more fun to play so i'm feeling more inspired.
ugh, i cbf to write anymore, so i'm gonna go log off now... see ya.

Quote of the Day #4
"Nothing saves your life; it only postpones your death."

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