Sunday 22 November 2009

22nd November

Today hasn't been too bad,
the Pallants were back from Brazil, + it was nice to see them... i think they were back for james's birthday...
then I went to see New Moon.
and here i am going to be CONTROVERSIAL and say it was *insert word that means poo here*.
like, seriously awful. like, the only film of the decade that's been worse than it was meet the fockers, and you just can't get worse than that.
and what was really awful was the cult of little girls sitting there who screamed every time they saw robert pattinson. i don't get how it got such a huge cult following, and it's quite sad really, because stephenie meyer's writing talent dissolved with fame; there are fanfictions that were better than breaking dawn.
so let's count off what's been killed by this whole pallava:
1) firstly, Twilight itself, which was bloody amazing before everybody started whinging about it.
2) paramore. oh my goodness, a band can be killed for you when all you hear is 12-year-olds going on about how good they are and how they want to be hayley williams (her hair, however, will never be killed, until it is no longer ORANGE)
3) robert pattinson. he was quite a good actor when he was still cedric diggory and didn't have a poster of himself in every 12-year-old girl's room which they snogged every night :/
4) stephenie meyer's writing. now she just writes to please everybody. i somehow guess that it wasn't all going to end in that rather pathetic manner when she didn't have all those followers.
5) kind of muse, who really would have been killed if they weren't so good. because you just can't kill muse.
[there are probably other things which i have forgotten and will add later (:]
my opinion?
she should have left it at eclipse, which would have been a perfectly acceptable ending to the story.
and when you see a wavering image of robert pattinson, you kind of start to expect it to start saying "harry, take my body back to my father..."
ugh. rant over.
(the host is still good though, tbh :P)
Oh, and i've decided i'm not going to go to the fancy dress party at switch as lois lane with alex as superman, as i originally intended. i am going to go as lara croft, so he doesn't have to save me, and i don't have to kiss him when he does..
Quote of the Day #2
"who's your daddy? not me, cause you see, kids, i use protection, and so should you!"

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