Friday 20 November 2009


hello... this would appear to be my first blog. I'm kind of branching out with the whole "blogging" thing, first I got Twitter and now i'm cool enough to get this blog... thing.
day hasn't been too bad. i'm glad the st cecelia's day concert is over, it went better than i expected though tbh. i got a green hand from my euphonium though... it looked kind of mank. but it made me awesome and individual :.Itwas mufti day for children in need today, awesomeness of awesomes. Jess came in in a Russian hat, looking rather hardcore XD
and we all took our cameras, just because we were wearing our own clothes. lucy observed that if we still wore whatever the hell we wanted for 6th form, when we got there it would be rather insane.
i now have to get ready to go out, again. it's like make a film night or something like that. not sure what it's gonna be like, but whey.
i'm going waitressing tomorrow for a women's breakfast. joy of joys. though at least i get pizza in the afternoon.
Anything Is Possible With Pizza.
adios, suckers (:

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